Monday, February 2, 2009

More Ghost Town Hunting

For a good part of January we had a lot of company at our house. Jono, Jake's brother, has moved in with us for the next while, our friend's Jen and Daryl Orcelletto were staying with us, and Ashley, the fiance of a friend of ours, was also in town for several weeks. It was fun to have a lot of people around to hang out with. The only thing is that I don't feel like I am too much fun anymore. I mostly just clean house and take care of kids. It isn't that exciting. I felt like everyone who was stuck at my house while the guys went to work during the day were getting pretty bored. So I tried really hard to find things to do to entertain us.
There isn't much to do, but I did have the idea to go do some more ghost town hunting. We went for an easier town to find. We went to Fairbank, AZ. It is right off of the highway and has been cleared out so people can visit it. There was still some hiking involved, but at least there were trails to follow this time.

We took a trail from the town to the top of a hill where the old cemetary was. Though trails had been cleared out around the cemetary, it was overgrown with thorny bushes and cactus. It made it really creepy. It is not somewhere I'd visit in the dark, just the old broken gravestones were creepy enough. We were able to read some of them though.
This is Ashley and Jono in the cemetary.
This is a shot of some of the old buildings in the ghost town. It truly was a ghost town though, we saw a couple of other hikers, but it was deadly silent. We were pretty far from anything and we kept commenting on how quiet and still the whole place was. A little creepy if ya ask me. But that's what makes it a ghost town I guess.

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