Wednesday, June 25, 2008
And We're Off...Almost
The movers came today and packed the whole house. They took everything apart and did a much better job packing than I could ever do. Because our house is completely taken apart we are staying with our friends the Schwartz's. Tomarrow they will load all of our stuff up on the truck and haulin it off. We have a bynch of loose ends to tie up here, and our friends are throwing a going away BBQ tomarrow night for us and then we are off! Friday morning we HOPE to leave for Arizona. That is assuming that we get everything done. Keep you fingers crossed! You won't hear from me for awhile until we are a little less busy and I have computer access again. Signing off!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Restaurant Review
Anyways, we were hungry after so we went to eat at a new restaurant called The Red Onion. It is an Indian Bistro and I had been curious about it for awhile. Just one look at the menu let us know that this was pretty authentic as far as Indian foods go. It was okay, and very interesting, but it wasn't long after we left that we began to feel it. I was a little queazy for a little bit but Jake got really sick. He hardly slept last night, and he has thrown up so much that he is also super dehydrated. He also was running a fever and just feeling completely achy and miserable. I feel so bad that the place turned out so badly. Jake has been in bed all day today still pretty sick. Most food poisoning goes away in 24 hours, so hopefully he will be better tonight. Maybe it was a little too authentic for us.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Movie Review
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Funny thing my kid said...
Then it finally dawned on me that across from the stoplight we were at was monogramed BUSHES forming the word CHOP for Christian House of Prayer, a huge church in Killeen. It was a funny moment. I explained later how we pronounce the word bushes.
We made a couple of little videos for Jake for Father's Day since he couldn't be here with us. Anyone else can watch them as well, but just know that this is all intended for Jake. We miss him a lot and we are excited to say that he will be home in just 9 days!!! YAY! Our house sure feels empty without him. I also wanted to say how grateful I am to have such a great husband. He is a wonderful Father to our children. The girls ask about him constantly and enjoy the times that they get to chat with him on the phone. Jake- we love you and look forward to being with you again in just 9 days!!!!!
I turned on all of the lights and it was midday, but the videos still turned out pretty dark. I hope you can see them well enough hun. They didn't look as dark on the camera as they do on the computer. I hope you still like them!
One more Recital Video
So I was able to sneak in my little camera and videotape during their dance. Don't tell. Actually I saw loads of people with little cameras taping the recital and no one seemed to care. They just didn't want anyone to bring an actual video camera I guess. I think this video turned out a lot better than the other one, so I thought I'd post it too. Mostly for Jake to see it.
More Ballet Pics
Friday, June 13, 2008
Mckayla and Lyla's Ballet Recital
Today was the dress rehearsal for the girls' first ballet recital. They have a policy that you can only video tape at the dress rehearsal because they sell a DVD of the recital. There is no way that I would buy that. I want to be able to have a video that is zoomed in on my kids the entire time. Mckayla and Lyla were conveniently placed together on the end of the line. They did really good I thought, considering I took them on a trip for three weeks, so they didn't get to practice at all. They were really excited to get their hair done up with hairspray and to get to wear make-up. I felt like a freaky pageant mom though, but it was a one time deal and the girls really had fun. I haven't ever tried to upload a video before, so we will see if it works. I am trying to find a way to share video with Jake since he isn't here to see the recital. Consider this your Father's Day gift honey!! I wasn't able to send anything because they are leaving in less than 2 weeks, and the mail stops getting to them a bit before they leave. So, here is their Dress rehearsal preformance, Mckayla is on the end and Lyla is next to her.
So you can't say I didn't warn you, and I put it at the bottom so you'd have to scroll down if you wanted to see for yourself. But despite the disgusting mess covering my bed, notice that there is nothing, and I mean nothing, inside the diaper. How crazy is that? It had a night's worth of pee in it, but no poop at all. Yet the outside of his onesie, and my entire bedspread were completely covered. Gross, I know. But also a bit mystical. How did he do it? I guess I'll never know. Any guesses or theories?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
A Stop in Arkansas on the Way Home
Back to Indianapolis
Meanwhile, Back in Indiana...
Off Again
My work begins
And if you know anyone needing a house in Killeen, TX, you know where they should look :)