Friday, September 5, 2008

Back again

So I am back online after a long long break. We have been hopping around from place to place and have finally gotten moved into our new house! We actually moved in 2 weeks ago, but we just got the internet set up this past week. Plus, then we had to dig out the computer and all of it's components. I am really glad to be moved into our house where we can stay put for awhile, but not excited about all of the work we have to do on it. So far we are doing okay though, I have the kitchen and all 3 bedrooms completely unpacked and put away. Of course there are two extra bedrooms full of boxes that we aren't sure what to do with, and I have yet to touch the office. It's a work in progress. I can only get things done during Jaxon's naptimes really, because he is still being quite clingy right now. Little by little we will get there. We're just happy to have a place now!

1 comment:

Arritt said...

Sarah!!! I'm so glad you found my blog (how did you?) and I'm so glad to see that you have one too! It's fun to see what you are up to- congrats on finding a house, and I hope that McKayla and Lyla both love school. I don't think I have your correct email address by the way.