We decided that we would go with a house that had a pool this time around, though we weren't specifically looking for a pool. We were a bit indifferent, in that we were willing to try having a pool, but only if it came with a house we really loved. We have been trying to do a lot of swimming before it gets too cold to swim, and I took some pictures of us trying out our pool awhile back. We bought Jaxon this little car floatie for his birthday, but I also bought a bunch of pool toys since they are on clearance this time of year.
Here's Lyla kickin back in my favorite pool toy.
Here's the girls sporting some goggles and stuff. They thought it was fun to put the gear on until we tried to get them to hold their faces underwater with it. Challenge: Can you figure out who is who??
2020 goals
5 years ago
McKayla is on the left (I think)
Lyla is on the left, McKayla is on the right. (It's the hair)
Lyla on the left and McKayla on the left, it's the Lyla smile that gave her away. (We think.)
I was guessing Lyla on the left too.-Hannah
Lyla is on the Left. She cut her own bangs awhile back, and it gave her away. I am trying to grow them out though. I am not a fan of bangs.
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