Monday, November 10, 2008

Jake's Flying Lessons

A guy that Jake works with is a flight instructor and has opened a business teaching flying lessons on the side. Jake has been wanting to get his pilot's license for a long time. We really look at it as an investment because it makes him more valuable and versatile to his company. It also makes it easier for him to get positions working on other aircraft. So we knew this was something we wanted to do. He started a few weeks ago and has been doing great so far. We went out last Saturday to watch him fly. It was fun, but the girls were really disappointed that they didn't get to ride in the plane. I am not so disappointed because he is training on a light-weight aircraft that gets tossed around in the slightest wind. I am already a white-knuckled flier on big jets and I don't know if I could handle one of those things. He is doing realy well, on his third flight he did the entire take-off without any intervention from the instructor. Flying is something that seems to come very easily to Jake, so it makes sense for us to continue to have him develope those skills. I am happy for him and proud of how good he is doing. I just thought I'd show him off a little bit.

1 comment:

Karen said...

That's wonderful that he can add to his already amazing skill and talent.Good job, Jake! I'm proud of him too.