Friday, January 11, 2008

Kara's Wedding

Well, we have been gone for awhile and I need to post some pictures so that Jake can see what all we've been up to. I thought I'd start with the first big event of last month. One of my best friend's wedding. We went to Dallas the week before and did her endowment and then she was married in the San Antonio temple on December 15th. It was a beautiful wedding. We went down the day before and played in San Antonio. I have to say that I don't know if I've ever been to a wedding that felt as right and good as this one. Where everyone was saying, "it's about time," and "they're meant to be together." People say those things all the time, but Kara and Danny are truly a special couple that is so meant for each other and I am so happy for them. These are a bunch of random pictures from the event. The bottom right is from doing her endowment in the Dallas temple though.

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